Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vacation Bible School 2009

There have been so many funny things said around here lately, and I have been forgetting to jot them down when I hear them :( We have been busy with VBS and now the planning crunch for school, so I'm hoping to blog more in the near future. Until then, here are some cute VBS pictures. The theme was The Boomerang Express (The Australian Outback). The kids had fun!

This year, I helped in Q~ and H~'s class, so most of my pictures are from there, but I did happen to snap this one of N~ up on stage practicing for the family night program.

J~ in the nursery...

Q~ and H~'s Class.

The busiest place in VBS: Crafts

Yes, a kangaroo in diapers. There is something just wrong about that.

Obviously, it rebelled.

At the end of family night, the kids got to throw water balloons at the pastor.
S~ didn't get one.

Not including the lack of water balloons for S~, it was a very fun week!


  1. It is good to see a new message! Looks like everyone had a lot of fun. love,mom

  2. So... I think I need some blog help! How did you make this blog look so terrific at blogspot!?!? Help! I should have probably sent an email rather than a comment... sorry!
